At Carpet Police, we understand how important your upholstery is to you and your family. We believe that professional cleaning of your upholstery can make a huge difference in the look, feel, and smell of your furniture. As professional upholstery cleaners, we are trained to identify and clean even the toughest stains and use deep cleaning techniques that can remove dirt, dust mites, and allergens from your fabrics.

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Eztheban M.


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My carpet never looked so good. Very pleased with both customer service and service provided. Their employee was prompt and professional. Will definitely use them again and refer them to friends and family.


QUALITY cleaning

I am usually not impressed by carpet cleaners, but the Carpet Police seems to take pride in good hard work. I appreciated their professional employees (The owner I guess is pretty strict with the guys who clean). Their big trucks leave no room for doubt that they are really cleaning my house. Definitely would recommend above all others in the area. Plus they seem to always be offering some discount.

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BBB Accredited businesses follow the BBB Code of Business Practices and pay a fee for accreditation review and monitoring. Accreditation is not a BBB endorsement or evaluation of the business’ product quality or competency in performing services.

BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week.
Regular Hours
Mon - Fri:
Payment method
amex, cash, check, debit, diners club, discover, master card, visa
Upholstery Cleaners, Air Duct Cleaning, Carpet & Rug Cleaners, Carpet & Rug Repair, Furniture Cleaning & Fabric Protection
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